How Can I Stop My Windows From Fogging Up?

Almost every house owner goes through one problem at least once in their lifetime and that is foggy windows. It can cause various problems apart from that being unsightly. Fogginess helps to build up moisture inside of the house. We all know that excessive moisture can damage the wood part and cause rotting on window sills. Mold growth can be increased inside the house which affects the indoor air quality negatively. If you notice foggy windows several times, then contact the professionals for window replacement. This article will enlighten you on why we notice fogginess in the window and how we can fix this issue.

The Reasons Behind Fogging Up

You may wonder why the window glasses become foggy especially in the morning. The underlying responsible factor is the window seal. If the temperature of the surface is lower than the surrounding air, then you may notice fog in the windows. In this condition, warm air meets a cold surface and as a result, condensation occurs on the surface area. If the window seals are broken, then it helps the excess moisture to accumulate between the glass panes of windows.

How to Fix the Fogging Issue?

  1. Homeowners Should Use a Dehumidifier

    A humidifier is an energy-efficient tool that can remove excessive moisture from the indoor air and restrain condensation on the windows.

  2. Turn on the Fans

    If possible, then try to turn the fans on for a few minutes. It will help you keep away the warm indoor air.

  3. Purchase a Window Film Kit

    After applying the window film to the glasses, you can notice that the film prevents condensation from the surface of the window glass and blocks warm indoor air from reaching the cold glass.

Why do window seals break?

If the drainage system around the window is not appropriate, then the window seal can be broken. In many houses, windows are exposed to sunlight directly for years. Consequently, the panel of the windows is expanded and becomes weak over time. Using window tint is another reason for broken window seals. If you do not caulk windows on a regular basis, then the window seal can be broken. Apart from that, we may want to clean the windows. But while cleaning, we use harsh chemicals which are not right for the window seal.

Give Us a Call

Grand View Windows & Doors has years of experience dealing with this kind of problem. Contact the experts today for window replacement and keep them from fogging up in OKC.